Changes to bicycle parking at Westminster


Please note that links to the old Parliamentary intranet have been removed as of October 2023. Please use search on ParliNet to find relevant current details, if available.

The House of Commons bicycle parking policy, which has been approved by the Administration Committee, states that owners of bicycles wishing to park in Star Chamber Court or the Colonnade are required to mark their bicycle with a numbered yellow plastic tag.

These tags can be obtained from Hallkeeper’s Lodge in St. Stephen’s Hall and should be displayed prominently from the handlebars or from the saddle of the bicycle.

From Monday 30 January 2017, any bicycle parked in Star Chamber Court or the Colonnade during sitting periods that does not display a numbered tag will be marked with a notice informing the owner that the bicycle must be tagged or it will be removed within three days of the notice being issued.

Untagged bicycles that are removed will be put in to storage on the Estate. Any bicycles not reclaimed after two months will be given to charity.