Is your data correct on Wikidata?


We’ve had a note from Andy Mabbett about MPs and Wikidata:

The days after a general election are a good time to remind MPs and their staff that Wikipedia has a biography of every MP. I’ve written before about how MPs can work with Wikipedia  and its sister projects, to ensure that those articles are complete and up-to-date.  Several items of data about MPs, such as their website, Twitter name and Facebook profile, and whether Wikipedia has an openly-licensed image of them, are stored in one of those sister projects, a central database called Wikidata, so that they can be accessed not only by Wikipedias in many languages, but by anyone wanting them, as linked, open data, for reuse in other websites or apps.

Wikipedia volunteers are currently busy ensuring that the recent election results are accurately reflected – noting former MPs, updating data about those who continue, and, of course adding new ones. Nonetheless, it would be great if  staff could assist this process to check the details held about their members is complete.

Accordingly these two Wikidata pages show:

data about new MPs

data about all MPs in the new parliament.
(where that is shown in
their entry)

And we’d be very grateful for your effort in ensuring it is accurate.