‘Ministers Reflect’: new archive project released, collating interviews with government ministers.


The Institute For Government has released a new archive of interviews with former government ministers.

The project, Ministers Reflect, publishes interviews of ministers describing what their work is like – what the challenges are, how they make themselves most effective, and what more is needed to help them work productively towards their policy objectives. The Institute For Government aims to demystify for the public the roles and duties of ministers, in this way ‘promoting effective political leadership’ and helping the government function more effectively.

The archive currently contains interviews from 2010-2015 government with ministers who are no longer in office, and therefore so far has only Conservative and Lib Dem ministers. But this is an ongoing project, and more interviews will be added in the future.

Find the project here.

Other Institute For Government projects:

Contemporary History of Whitehall
The Challenge of Being a Minister